Smart AAC is a supplementary alternative communication (AAC) application developed by Gyeonggi-do rehabilitation engineering service research support center and supported by the Social Welfare Community Fund with the support and talent donation of Samsung Electronics employees.Smart AAC has Smart AAC picture type, Smart AAC text type, Smart AAC keyboard, Smart AAC symbol making app, and can be selectively used according to the users language ability.This app uses accessibility services.Smart AAC Graphical Key Features1. Preliminary Evaluation: Suggest suitable settings for users through simple questions and games2. Divided screen and composition: Personalization by selecting screen division and symbol composition according to cognition, language, and exercise function3. Symbol -The high frequency vocabulary collected by referring to the Korean National Institute of Korea and AAC-related academic research is categorized and mounted according to the situation and semantic category, but can be freely added and edited according to the users preference. -You can share the symbol through the dedicated homepage or download and use the symbol shared by others.4. Quick conversations and shortcuts: You can press the quick conversation button to recall the conversations during the interruption of the conversation. You can use the overall symbol, favorites, interrupts, and emoticons by pressing the shortcuts.5. Usage analysis: You can search daily, weekly, monthly usage time and words used, and can induce AAC usage motivation by setting daily target time.6. Accessibility: In addition to the touch method, cell movement or scanning functions can be used to improve the input speed of people who are difficult to touch.7. Use the default voice of the terminal such as Google TTS or Samsung TTS※ Basically, the installed symbol is an edited work based on the Primary Symbol System Collection for Korean Complementary Alternative Communication and Korean Complementary Alternative Communication System Patent. (Patent holders: Park Eun Hye, Kim Young Tae, Hong Ki Hyung)